Health Care

Teulon Medical Clinic

If you are interested in health services in our community, we encourage you to apply for the Local Health Involvement Group (LHIG). Please click on the links below for more information.

Interlake Eastern Regional Health Authority

The Interlake Eastern Regional Health Authority administers Health Care in Teulon.

For information regarding the programs and services provided by the Interlake Eastern Regional Health Authority in the Town of Teulon and surrounding area, visit their website at, call 204-482-5419 or email:

Teulon has a Community Health Office (204-886-4065) that is responsible for public health, mental health and home care.

Goodwin Lodge (204-886-2108) is a 20 bed personal care facility and provides nursing care, has a full dietary staff, laundry services and an activity department. Physicians, community therapy services, dietary consultation, pharmacy services and a podiatrist are all available on a regular basis.

Please visit the Teulon & District Handi-Van and the Teulon & District Senior Resource Council webpages for information on services provided to area residents.

Interlake Healthcare Sustainability Committee

Is a volunteer organization that is focused on raising funds to offset shortfalls in local healthcare funding.

They are passionate about healthcare in our community and we strive to provide the tools necessary to help our healthcare workers deliver better patient care and to keep our facilities modern and up-to date!

Email them at

For more information on the Interlake Healthcare Sustainability Committee click here!