Town of Teulon
44 Fourth Ave SE
PO Box 69
Teulon MB R0C 3B0
Phone: (204) 886-2314
Fax: (204) 886-3918
Municipal Office Hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Closed all holidays
Name | Position | Phone Number | |
Chris Yuen | Chief Administrative Officer | 204-886-2314 | |
Colleen Howelko | Assistant Chief Administrative Officer | 204-886-2314 | |
Samara Osnach | Financial & Administrative Assistant | 204-886-2314 | |
Michelle Salkeld | Payroll & Recreation Administrator | 204-886-0505 | & |
Glenn Marmonier | Operations Supervisor | 204-886-7080 | |
Jonathon Zaluski | Public Works Sub-Foreman | 204-886-2314 | |
Ryan Bruce | Public Works Operator | 204-886-2314 | |
Vacant | Custodian of Parks & Recreation Facilities | 204-886-2314 | |
Dan Harris | Custodian of Parks & Recreation Facilities | 204-886-2314 |
By-Law Enforcement & Animal Control:
Please contact the town office with a written complaint that will be forwarded to the by-law officer as needed.
Assessment Inquiries:
- (204) 785-5092 or 1 (866) 262-9786 (toll free)
James Bezan MP - Selkirk - Interlake - Eastman
- 204-785-6151
Trevor King MLA Lakeside
- 204-945-3709
Manitoba Conservation & Climate Tips Line
- 1-800-782-0076
South Interlake Planning District
- Phone: 204-467-5587
School Tax Inquiries - Interlake School Division:
- (204) 467-5100
To Report a Street Light Outage
- 204-480-5900